I think it is important to continually keep pressing forward, even when you don’t have much time or energy to do so. Sometimes, a hobby ceases priority for whatever reason- this causes the most adherent to call some wayward practitioner who succumbs to the rest of life as a sort of backslider, someone who doesn’t take things seriously. As if that was the only story that is true or worth telling.
When I wrote my paper for the SVHFS conference, I was hopeful that I would have feedback from those in attendance. So far, none is forthcoming. This is either because the paper was well written and satisfied a particular topic or because the paper itself was below the interest level of the average conference goer. This makes me wonder why I should expand on the paper for MUD, coming up later this year. Will I get feedback on that paper? Is it of interest to write introductory material for conferences which are clearly oriented towards those who are more advanced?
I can’t answer these questions, but I think they are worth examining if we are to successfully encourage more amateurs to become interested in microwave communication techniques. Ultimately the question to be answered is: to whom are we writing these documents and how can we better engage them?
I’m nearly done with the 902/3 W1GHZ project, even as it has taken over a year to complete. I merely need to plumb everything together, make sure the sequencer is working and that the antenna is tuned. First contact coming this summer!