10 GHz (3 cm.) is an interesting band! Sadly, it is not one about which not much is discussed (or heard, for that matter!) here in Atlanta. Below, please find a list of links to information regarding getting started with 10GHz, using wide-band FM as the modulation form. This tends to be a very inexpensive way to get on the band. Otherwise, one must acquire expensive transverters from DEMI, Khune Electronics or have an intricate knowledge of microwave building techniques and practices (in which case, none of this would be of interest to you).
Generalist Websites:
- The Kitchener Waterloo Amateur Radio Club has a great writeup on getting started with 10 GHz WBFM.
- G4PHO has a great set of webpages on how to best go about getting on 10 GHz WBFM.
- W1GHZ has a resource page for 10 GHz. It’s outdated, but worth a look.
- Don’t forget about ATV with your Gunnplexer– plenty of bandwidth in the SHF! HamTV.com shows you all sorts of tricks, so check them out.
- I found a copy of “The Gunnplexer Cookbook” online in PDF form. Google will help you with that endeavor. Please remember that this book is very old and should not be relied upon for current best practice. Nevertheless, it certainly would be of interest to anyone who is interested in DRO or Gunnplexers for WBFM.
- This article by N6GN discusses some of the best practices for designing a microwave station for 10GHz.
- AA5TB has a great site with very detailed pictures of a 10 GHz WBFM setup.
- Clint, KA7OEI, has produced a very detailed page on how he tamed his 10 GHz Gunn oscillator.
Antenna Websites:
- W1GHZ has what he calls his “Microwave Antenna Book.” Check it out!
- Everyone likes cheap antennas- check out Kent Britain‘s (WA5VJB) page and get your hands on some very nice PCB antennas.